Pan Galactic Protect Wetland & Woodland in Scotland


April 29, 2024

After 9 months of searching, the Pan Galactic Team have found the perfect area of land to start our conservation work. This is an area with the perfect combination of wetland ponds, peatbogs, and native woodland on the edge of the Galloway Forest in Scotland. After finding that the core samples show five meters of peat, we realised that this was a site with tens of hundreds of tons of stored carbon that needs protecting and fantastic biodiversity that offers a unique educational space for the groups of young people and mental health teams who we partner with. We are starting by sending our bushcraft instructor to check out the potential for wild camping and then we will be using the site for five months of the year for education and leaving it to grow wild through the winters. This isn't carbon offsetting, this is hands on action for climate protection, embracing the UN Sustainable Development Goals as our guide and taking real action for our sustainable future. Exciting times ahead.